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Q: Can stressful relationship cause anxiety attacks?
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Related questions

What are anxiety attacks often mistaken as?

Anxiety or panic attacks can be mistaken for heart attacks (although it is actually rare for anxiety attacks to cause heart attacks, especially in young people).

Does mucinex cause anxiety attacks?

It can.

Can puberty and a family sickness give a teen major anxiety?

Anything that is stressful and/or traumatic can give teens anxiety. Puberty by itself may be somewhat stressful, but for the most part it shouldn't be the cause of major anxiety. Puberty mixed with illness in the family can be very stressful and somewhat traumatic, which could be the cause of anxiety in a teen.

What types of situations cause anxiety attacks in individuals who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?

There are several situations that can cause anxiety attacks in individuals who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. These situations include environmental factors such as closed spaces or a large group of people that can trigger attacks.

Anxiety and eating disorder?

This relationship can go both ways. Anxiety can be a big factor in triggering an eating disorder or leading to disordered eating habits. An eating disorder can also worsen pre-existing anxiety and can also cause anxiety attacks in relaiton to proximity to food or eating.

How do heart attacks cause anxiety?

Although it is usually anxiety that causes heart attacks, a heart attack victim may be anxious when they worry that it might happen again.

Does anxiety cause bruxism?

Yes, it can definetly be a factor. Panic attacks during sleep, as well as general stress and anxiety, can cause grinding and clenching.

Can numerous Anxiety and Panic attacks within a week cause a missed period?


Can pregnancy cause really bad anxiety attacks and or palpatations within few weeks of conceiving?


Can elevated bilirubin cause anxiety attacks?

Yes it can, it's a common symptom that comes with the Gilbert's syndrome.

Can panic attacks be caused by pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes huge hormone shifts in your body, which can easily bring about anxiety and panic. Also, the stress of carrying a child, missing work, relationship issues, any of which can cause the same.

How did President George W. Bush react to US anxiety about?

The 9/11 terrorist skyjackings and bomb attacks were the biggest cause for national anxiety while Bush was president.