

Can style sheet will used in body tag of HTML or not?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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You have 3 kinds of styles. External style sheets are in a separate file and is referenced by a web page in the head area. An internal style sheet is put into the web page. It should be put into the head area. In answer to your question however, they will work if you put them into the body of the document, though you should always put them into the head area. The third kind of styles are inline styles, which are put directly into tags, so they are within the body. Inline styles are not regarded as style sheets, as they are individual styles just applying to the tag that they are in.

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Q: Can style sheet will used in body tag of HTML or not?
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HTML is a markup language and not a style sheet. CSS is the styling code used to make an HTML page look the way you want it. CSS Tutorials might help you.

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There are various tags in HTML that can be used. 10 of them are: p, a, br, head, body, html, title, script, link, style.

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