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Q: Can super glue help glue play dough on cardboard?
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Will super glue affect your skin?

No but it can help wounds

Names of different glue brand names?

Elmer's, Super Glue, Krazy Glue, Gorilla Glue, Araldite, J B Weld, Shoe Goop.

Does super glue help scalp psoriasis?

Your doctor can give you a prescription for a medicine that does help. Meanwhile a dandruff shampoo helps some.

What happens if you leave something in your eye?

If it's white glue wash your eyes thoroughly immediately. Call for help. - If it's super glue or krazy glue, hold your eyelids open, call for help or if possible go to hospital immediately. Do not let eyelids close.

How do you get glue out of dog fur?

That depends on the base of the glue that is on the puppy. If it is water based glue a long soak in a bath will do the trick to loosen the glue and then can be rubbed off. If it is like a super glue, soaking in a bath may help but may not remove all the glue.

Man invented Super Glue for quick fixing gosh you wish it had to help fix everything in life you have a looong list?

Yes, I agree.


Best practices dictate that you take your gemstone to a local jeweler who may be able to help you remove the superglue.

What kind of mixture is Dough I NEED HELP kind of question?

Dough is a Mechanical mixture!

Best method of removing Super Glue from linoleum?

Dynamite! Seriously I have tried everything on the internet, even from the glue guy. It will not budge. It is a mound about the size of a quarter. Nothing works. I am wondering if a hot hand steamer might help soften it.

How do you do a school out of cardboard?

you can use an adult for help

Can a cardboard be with a hamster?

yes it can help their teeth

How do you remove a harden super glue off plastic?

There is almost no way to do this without destroying the plastic. As you didn't say WHAT KIND of plastic, it's hard to be more help.