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Q: Can surgery of inginal hernia change the size of penis?
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Which is the most important oil for penis to straight?

Aside from surgery there is nothing you can do to change the shape of the penis.

Why would a person need to have surgery to remove his penis?

Perhaps he(she) is undergoing a sex change operation.

How can you make big or fat penis?

Other than surgery, there is nothing much you can do to change the size of your penis. Foods, supplements, exercises, and pumps do not permanently increase the size of the penis, and can be dangerous.

If a man has surgery to have his penis removed in order to have sexual reassignment surgery is he allowed to keep his penis?

No, the penis is used in the construction of the vagina.

You are a 27 year old man your penis is small please suggest how you can improve it?

You cannot. The only way to change your penis size is through plastic surgery.

How do you change into a boy if you are a girl?

Many years of therapy, hormone treatment and surgery to remove your breasts and turn the vagina into a penis.

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Will it look like a real male penis atfer the surgery?

No alter surgery penis looks differ but no garentee on what it really produce sperm.

Your penis hurt for about a month then stopped for a few months will you be okay?

see a doctor, you may have a hernia or bilatural hydroceal.

Can yhu have surgery to give a girl a penis?


I feel that in the left top of my penis a bulge structure that enlarges when I cough or simply standing?

See your doctor. This might be a hernia.

Can you have a herni in your penis?

Testicular torsion doesn't really affect the penis directly. It can cause the testicle to die, which would then stop making hormones, and the decreased hormones could prevent normal development if done before the end of puberty. But testicular torsion is an extreemly painful condition and needs to be treated in an emergency room.