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I don't believe that it would, but as with all drugs and medicines, only use it when you need it.

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Q: Can taking a Zyrtec everyday damage any organs?
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Which body systems are affected by taking Zyrtec?

all of them especially your butt. i know this guy who had a serious farting problem after taking Zyrtec. no seriously.

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Can taking suboxone damage your organs?

No organ damage has been observed that could be attributed to Suboxone, as opposed to other drug use and physical condition at the time of the trials. In other words, "No."

Can you mix Robitussin and Zyrtec D?

I'm afraid that, even though it's unlikely it would be serious, the pseudoephedrine in the Zyrtec D and the dextromethorphan in the Mucinex could interact with each other. However normal Zyrtec with just cetirizine would be perfectly safe.

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Is there a drug interaction between Zyrtec and doxycycline?

my daughter has sinus infection. she is taking Doryx for her face.

Can you take Zyrtec and diphenhydramine?

No, you don't want to take two of the same medications. If the Zyrtec is not taking care of your allergies, don't take a second antihistamine on top of it. You need to switch from Zyrtec to some other antihistamine. It might be time to see your doctor and try a stronger antihistamine. Taking too much antihistamine can cause breathing difficulty.

Does fibrosis can heal by taking gotocola herbal?

Yes, fibrosis can heal somewhat by taking herbal Gotu kola. Gotu kola is known to help reduce the scarring caused by fibrosis as well as damage to vital organs.

If you get rare side effects from taking benadryl will that happen if you take Zyrtec?

Nothing. these antihistamines are different structurally

How is a body embalmed?

by taking the organs out

Can you take Lamisil and Zyrtec?

no. unless you have intercourse with a goat in between taking them your head will exploded. I know this from past experience