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I would say that taking a break isn't DEFINITELY breaking up unless the couple takes an indefinite break with no plans of getting back together. If the break up isn't certain, don't assume that it is because that could make it certain.

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12y ago

Of course, being always with someone is known to lead to a break-up, so the break can improve a relationship with someone by giving you each some time apart to think, and also make you miss each other, but it can also ruin it since one or both of you can find someone else or just distant you from each other. Taking a break is always a risk, so you have to decide what to do by yourself.

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11y ago

No take a break just means: Not see each other for a while and do BF and GF or BF and BF stuff, the relationship will be open so he/she may start dating other people.

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Q: Can taking a break strengthen a relationship?
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