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No they can not. Tapeworms and most worms such rounds warms and pinworms live in the intesines. The vagina has no nutrients tapeworms and hookworms can live off of.

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Q: Can tapeworms and hookworms live in the vagina?
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Which animal can live in a human intestine?

Tapeworms, hookworms, and Ascaris worms to name a few.

Do worms give dogs fleas?

Fleas can transmit tapeworms to dogs, but not roundworms, hookworms or whipworms.

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Horses, like all animals are vulnerable to parasites including tapeworms, hookworms, ringworms and tics.

Why are hookworms and tapeworms are classified as parasite?

A hookworm and a tapeworm are classified as parasites because they need a host to survive(get nutrients and energy)

Where do tapeworms live in the human body?

Tapeworms generally live in the intestine.

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They live in the stomach

Where do hookworms-live?

thankfully they only live in the tropical or suptropical area

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What hookworm eat?

hookworms live on the blood of living creatures

What are external and internal parasite?

External parasites are fleas, ticks, ear mites, lice, mange mites, and fly bots. Internal Parasites are heartworms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.