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Tapeworms, hookworms, and Ascaris worms to name a few.

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12y ago

nuthing becauz of bodily fluid and stomach acid.

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Q: Which animal can live in a human intestine?
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Can viruses live in the human intestine and id in the digestive process?

viruses can live in intestine but they get remove with the removing of excretory waste.

Who has longer small intestine cow or human?

The cow is the animal that has a longer small intestine than the human. This is mainly due to the cow's diet, which is strictly herbivorous, unlike the human.

Where do tapeworms live in the human body?

Tapeworms generally live in the intestine.

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Which group of organisms can live in the human intestine and aid in the digestive process?


Bacteria which live in the human intestine derive their nutrition from digested foods From these nutrients digested by the human the bacteria synthesize vitamins usable by the human This relationsh?


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biologically,the animal which live in bed is human.

What happens to the animal when a human goes to jail?

the first option is for the animal to live live with the convicts family or friends, if this is not possible, it is put into a animal shelter

What part of man's body does taenia solium live?

Taenia solium Adult worms live in human small intestine causing taeniasis. The larval stage (Cysticercus cellulose) lives in pig or human tissues causing human cysticercosis. I'd say the small intestine. But, that's just from a quick google, I didn't look much.

What is the Volume of human intestine?

To find out the volume of a human intestine you have to times the length of it by how fat it is (width) and then you'll get your answer!!!

Can an animal live with you in animal crossing wild world?

No, because all of the animals live around you and you play as a human. But, that would be cool if they could.