

Can a teacher take your phone?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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A teacher may confiscate personal belongings, particularly if school rules or classroom rules state certain items must not be brought to school. If a student is allowed a particular item but continues to play with the item, distracting him/herself and others from classroom instruction, then the teacher is perfectly within his/her rights to remove that object. * However * the teacher is not permitted to keep the item permanently. Some items should be returned directly to the student's parents and some items should be held in the principal's office for safekeeping. The student whose items have been removed bears the responsibility of courteously negotiating a time when his or her things may be returned.

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15y ago
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12y ago

It depends on the rules at your school - if your school has a strict, no cell-phones / electronics rule - then they can, if your school allows phones - then they cannot, unless that teacher has a specific no-phones rule, however, even if the school DOES have a no phones rule, the teacher does not have the right to KEEP your phone. They can only take it whilst you're in their class, if you don't get it back at the end of the class/day - it's considered stealing, and you have the right to get the police involved.

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14y ago

It depends what it is, but if he takes it and doesn't give it back and it's valuable then yes it's stealing. Your teacher has the right to confiscate banned items and these cannot be given back to you. The best course of action would be to have your parents meet with the teacher if a valuable item was confiscated, for example, a cell phone or iPod. Items such as matches, knives, pot, pornography, Chewing Gum, pills, and pepper spray are generally never given back and are instead sent to the office. Small distracting items like toys and whistles are usually thrown away.

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8y ago

No, not legally.

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It depends on your teacher. My teacher use to say: If i hear it , see it, I take it. And she would give it to the office. But, other teachers give you a warning the first time and then if it rings the second time they will give it to the office. But, if they catch you texting, they will directly give it to the office. If your phone goes off, try to shut it. But, if the teacher asks who's phone, you should be honest because they will find out anyways. But if you shut it before they ask, then stay quiet and do NOT look suspicious.