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No, HIV is not transmittable through tear, saliva, or sweat. The only way that saliva would be able to transmit HIV is if there was a significant amount of blood present, and it enter into an open wound of a person.

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No they cannot.

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Q: Can tears and saliva and sweat transmit HIV?
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What Fluids do not transmit HIV?

Assuming no blood in any of these fluids, they don't transmit HIV: Sweat, Saliva, Urine, Tears, Vomit, Nasal Discharge (snot) & Feces.

Can saliva transmit aids?

No, not unless theres a cut in your mouth.

What body fluids do not spread hiv?

Sweat, tears, urine do not transmit HIV. that's not entirely correct. HIV is found in blood, sweat, tears, and saliva. it also been found that HIV can live in these fluids outside of the body for several days.

What way is HIV not transmitted?

AIDS isn't spread at all. AIDS is not contagious. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is spread through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

What two body fluids do not carry HIV?

There are many body fluids that are not a risk for HIV infection. Tears, sweat, urine and saliva do not carry risks for HIV transmission.

What body fluids cannot spread hiv?

HIV isn't spread in tears, sweat, saliva, urine, feces and vomit. If any of these have visible blood, transmission is possible.

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AIDS (HIV infection) is not spread via casual contact, sweat, feces, tears, vomit, urine, or saliva.

Does saliva kill the HIV virus?

Yes, saliva does contain HIV; however, there is not enough of the HIV virus in saliva to transmit it to anyone. There are 4 requirements to transmit a pathogen which are: A pathogen, in sufficient quantity, with a proper entry site, and the person has susceptibility to catch the pathogen. The second condition, sufficient quantity, is not met with saliva.

How can you not get HIV by eating with a person who has HIV?

Because casual contact, even saliva, does not transmit HIV.

Can sweat n salava transmit hiv?

The AIDS virus is extremely fragile. Exposure to air or any kind of acid will destroy the virus. The only way to contract AIDS is through direct blood injection (ie, needle sharing) or an unprotected homosexual encounter.

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what 3 fluids transmit the hiv virus? saliva, blood, genital fluids

A body fluid that present in the mouth and does not transmit the AIDs virus?

Saliva does not transmit HIV.