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Q: Can temaril-p be used for dogs ear infections?
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What is Otomix used for in medical service?

Although there were no results for Otomix, there were some for Otomax. Otomax is an ear antibiotic for dogs. It is used to treat bacterial ear infections of the outer ear of dogs.

Are Italian Greyhound dogs prone to ear infections?

Yes, all Italian Greyhound dogs are prone to ear infections.

Can you use erythromycin for a ear infection?

i see no problem since it is similar to penicillin, and amoxicylin is what is used in dogs.

Are welsh springer spaniels prone to ear infections?

Yes. All spaniels are prone to ear infections, all dogs that have floppy ears are prone to ear infections. I must check my cocker each and everyday. He enjoys the interaction and does not even know I am checking his ears.

What if betadine gets inside the ears of dogs?

Betadine is an ingredient present in many natural treatments for ear infections in dogs.

What has amoxicillin in it?

Amoxicillin is a type of drug that is used to treat various body infections such as the urinary infections, vaginal infections, ear infections, etc.

How did poodles that were used as water retrievers keep from getting ear infections?

they use ear plugs

Is it safe to give a dog Keflex?

So long as your veterinarian has prescribed it, yes it is safe for your dog. Keflex is the trade name of cephalexin, a common cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat minor infections such as skin or ear infections in dogs.

What is trim 80 dog tablets?

Trim (short for Trimacare) 80 dog tablets are used to treat various ailments in dogs. For example, it treats eye and ear infections.

What is the drug amoxicillin used for in the medical science?

Amoxycillin is generally used to treat bacterial infections.

What kind of symptoms do dogs get if they have an ear infections Is it common with ear infections for the dog to have a weakhorse bark and a cough?

some common symptoms for an ear infection in a dog is scratching the infected ear and shaking the head. a weak, hoarse bark and a cough could be symptoms of a common cold, and should pass; if not consult a veterinarian.

Can you use human ear drops for your dog?

It is fine to use human ear drops on dogs as long as you call your veterinarian first to verify the dosage is correct. Most of the time if it over the counter it is ok as long as there is no broken skin within the dogs ear.