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Q: Can tending to have random mood swings when you are no where near your period could that mean you are bipolar?
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Related questions

What is the difference between being bipolar and being a sensitive person?

being sensitive means you are more emotional than most people and bipolar is when you pretty much have really bad random mood swings.

Do mood swings make me bipolar?

Mood swings are a symptom of bipolar; but that does not definitively mean you are bipolar; your best bet is to go to a doctor. There are times when you may have symptoms but not the disease.

Can you be diagnosed as bipolar but really sociopath?

Possibly. Bipolar disorder involves mood swings, and sociopaths can also have rapid mood swings. However, depression- which is a prerequisite for Bipolar I and Bipolar II- is rarely seen in sociopathy.

Which personality type is associated with mood swings?


What is an episode in bipolar disorder?

one or more mood swings

What are the effects of bipolar disorder?

Mood swings- Manic and Depressive

What does it mean when somebody calls you bipolar?

Being bipolar means that you have extreme mood swings between depression and happiness.

Why don't bipolar men have any feelings?

They do. In fact in the very nature of bipolar disorder there are swings of happy feelings and depressed feelings.

What does mood swings and going to bathroom a lot mean?

you are bipolar with balder infection.

What is a mood stabilizer with bipolar?

any drug that limits size of swings and postpones them.

What are bi-polar symptoms?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings from a manic phase (good spirits, extremely active, great ideas and plans) to a depressed phase that may even extend to suicidal tendencies.In order to be classed as bipolar, these episodes must cycle over periods of months. There is debate about whether there is a shorter-cycle disorder that also falls under bipolar, involving swings of weeks instead of months. In any case, swings shorter than several weeks duration are not bipolar, and are not treated in the same manner. They are often -- although not always -- related to the effects of drugs (prescription or illegal), or alcohol. Bipolar disorder cannot be accurately diagnosed if the presenting party is under the influence of mood-altering chemicals.

When someone has severe mood swings from one extreme to another this is technical?

Bipolar disorder