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Lol. Yes, we still march in public. It's guaranteed by our first amendment rights. We hold public rallies in various states at different times of the year.

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Q: Can the KKK March in public?
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KKK Beneath the Hood - 2013 TV was released on: USA: 20 March 2013

Can February March?

No but April MayNo. It prefers to trot.No. It prefers to trot.

When did the KKK first march at Washington D.C.?

they did because they didn't want the blacks there at all

Kkk members stage a major march through Washington DC in 1925?

Yes they did!

What were the immediate effects of reconstruction?

Public education, Gave former slaves fair rights, the kkk

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Why should the KKK not be able to talk in public?

because the KKK is racist. however the first amendment gives anyone the right to say what they want. if the KKK was banned from speaking because of being racist then people like jesse jackson, al sharpton, and others would also have to be stopped.

Why did the KKK march on Washington 1925?

The original KKK was disbanded not too long after reconstruction in the south. It was a force necessary to halt northern atrocities. Sympathizers and those who saw government abuses of power reorganized a "new" KKK in the north in order to show resistance and display power of a concerned citizenry.

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kkk kkk kkk

When did the KKK last march in Mississippi?

the last march would be today, october 18th, earlier today they were marching in pearl mississippi

Who is the cardinal of the kkk?

There was no cardinal of the KKK.