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Q: Can the Union Jack be flown in the US without flying the US Flag?
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Whose flag is called Union Jack?

The Union Jack is the flag flown at the bow of a Royal Navy ship. The Union Flag is the flag of Great Britain.

What did Belfast city hall replace?

They replaced a policy on the flying of the national flag of the country with a new policy The policy has changed from flying the union flag/jack 365 days per year with a policy that only allows the flag to be flown on 18 days per year.

Why is the union jack flag flown at the home office?

It is common practice for official buildings in the UK to fly the union flag. However in Scotland it is often the satire flown instead. Prime Minister Gordon Brown made the mandatory flying of the Union Flag on government buildings one of his first acts as Prime Minister, however it was not applied in Scotland for fears of fulling the growing desire for Scottish independence.

Can another country's flag be flown in the US without the US Flag?


Can Indian Flag can be flown at night?

Flags flown from tall masts can be flown 24 hours if illuminated at night. Flags flying from short poles have to be lowered at sunset.

What is the nickname for British flag?

The nickname for the British flag is the Union Jack. Although it is only correctly known as this when flown on a ship.

What are the regulations for flying the Nova Scotia flag and on what occasions is the Nova Scotia flag flown at half mast?

you can fly it whenever you want, and it is flown at half mast when someone passes away

What design is at the top left corner of the nz flag?

The British Union. It is commonly referred to as the "Union Jack" but technically that name applies only when a flag of that design is flown from the jack staff at the bow of a ship. When flown on land it is called the Union Flag. When flown at sea you can be in trouble because only the Royal Navy may fly the Union Flag or Union Jack at sea. Private citizens are not allowed to do so; their yachts must fly the Red Ensign.

Which country's flag is never flown half mast?

In the UK there are two flags 1. The Union flag (sometimes referred to wrongly as the Union Jack) may be flown at half mast 2. The Royal Standard. This is the flag of the Queen (currently) it is actually the standard of the monarch and so as there is always a King or Queen it is not flown at half mast

How did the the Union Jack get its name?

The Union Jack is so called because it is the Union Flag flown from a jack staff of a ship. If the flag is flown anywhere else it is properly called the Union Flag. The word "Union" refers to the uniting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to form the United Kingdom.

Is the American flag ever flown upside-down?

I cant think of a specific instance when the flag was flown upside down, but it is only done when a US position has been overrun or if there is an emergency there.A national flag flying upside down is an international sign of distress.

Why does a country have a union Jack in her flag?

Correctly it's the Union Flag, comprising the crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick, representing three of the countries of the UK. It is technically only a "Jack" when flown at the jackstaff (at the bows) of a ship. (Not quite) "The original Union Flag was introduced in 1606 as a maritime flag, and in 1634 a Royal Proclamation laid down that the Union Flag was reserved for His Majesty's Ships of War and forbid merchant ships to wear it.......... It is quite clear that the name Union Jack was the name given to the distinguishing flag of His Majesty's Ships, and that it is proper to call this flag a Union Jack when flying in a ship, but this flag which was formerly purely maritime is now used as the National flag of Britain and some consider that it is incorrect to call it a Union Jack when it is not flying in a ship and that when flying ashore it should be called the Union Flag. Strictly this view may be correct, and there would be no doubt as to its correctness if the flagused were the 1900 War Office pattern, but this is not so, and the flag that is seen in Britain flying from the Houses of Parliament and other public buildings is the pattern adopted by the Royal Navy. Furthermore, it has been called the Union Jack in modern times in Parliament and so by common useage it is considered that it IS CORRECT to call this flag, which is to all intents the National flag of the United Kingdom, the UNION JACK . It would also appear that the 1900 War Office version should not be called the Union Jack; in fact it is generally known as the 'Gret Union Flag'." "Flags of the World" Edited by E.M.C Barraclough C.B.E., R.N. and W.G. Crampton M.ED.