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Yes, the Akhal-Teke is used for most sports, thanks to it's legendary stanima and endurance.It is also considered the most pure horse, but as argued, no one exactly knows.Akhal-Tekes are very popular, and without them, the Turkmenistans wouldn't be alive now.

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Q: Can the akhal teke be used in barrel racing?
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What are Akhal-Tekes job?

If you mean by "job" as uses then its original uses were for battle and primarily endurance racing. Some Akhal-Tekes are used for dressage and other sports but Personally I think it's better for racing.

What breed of horse is commonly used for endurence rides?

Many breeds are used for endurance races. But the main ones include the Akhal-Teke, arabian, Mustang,Anglo-arabian, and most of the easy-gaited breeds.

Where was the teke mask used at?

They are from Congo, Africa and they are used by a certain tribe. teke means "to buy"

What breeds were combined to form the Arabian horse?

All of the breeds used are not 100% known, however the Arabian carries markers for both the Akhal-Teke and the Caspian horse. So it is known that these two breeds were used in the creation of the Arabian horse, though many breeders will deny this.

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the teke mask was specifically used by the people of its tribe, commonly known as an african tribe.

What are teke masks used for?

They're from Hawaii, they are used in ceremonies.

What ceremony was the teke mask used in?

The Teke mask originated in the Congo and they were used for various rituals, like social celebrations, it was special because they were a secret society.

How are Mustangs used today?

They can be Used for anything, from Barrel racing to Jumping and eventing. From Reining to Dressage. There wonderful family pets as well.

What are the functions of the top five horse breeds?

Arabians are used for endurance riding. Quarter horses are used in many things but are most famously involved in racing,ranching, roping and barrel racing. Thoroughbreds are specificaly bred for racing and jumping. Paint horses are almost the same as the quarter horse, they resemble each other in conformation and can be used in ranching and even racing. The Tennessee walker is bred for its famouse walk and is generally used in shows. Hope that answers your question. :)

What horse are usd for?

Horses are used for many different things depending on where they are and what type they are. Some are used for jumping, barrel racing, horse racing, and polo. Larger Draft breeds are traditional used for pulling carts, plows, and carriages. Some are kept as pets, and others can also compete in reigning, dressage, ad endurance races.

What is the best pony breed for barrel racing?

Quarter horses do tend to be the best for barrel racing but Arabians are deferentially not suited for it. You can really use any horse for barrel racing but it is SUPER IMPORTANT that you make sure they have the right body build and athletic abilities to preform the task. Arabians typically don't fit the needs. I am a barrel racer myself so please take this advice.

Breed of dogs used for racing?

Grey Hounds are used for dog racing.