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Yes, it can change some of the amino acids into useful substances (this is deamination), however the nitrogen in the amino acid can't be broken down and turned into something useful (because its break down product is alkaline and this would disturb the pH balance of body fluids) so it is converted into urea - a less harmful chemical. Then the urea is transported by the blood to the kidneys and then excreted as urine.

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Q: Can the body change some of the amino acids it does not need into amino acids it does need?
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Why does fetus need amino acid?

Amino acids are building blocks for the body's construction. There are 20 amino acids, but only 8 are called Essential Amino Acids.

How many of the 29 amino acids can the body produce?

Their are 20 base amino acids. The body can produce 12 of them- the other 8 need to be obtained from food.

Why do you need amino acids in your diets?

amino acids make up proteins and proteins make up DNA which has all the information your body needs

What makes the essential amino acids different from the non-essential amino acids?

Essential amino acids are those the body cannot produce. There are 20 basic amino acids. There are eight essential amino acids unless the individual is a phenylketonuric. There are nine essential amino acids for phenylketonurics as they cannot convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. Essential amino acids have to be taken into the body by eating. This answer is for informational purposes only. All individuals should ask advice of their physician.

Why does animals cannot make their own food?

This is because animals are heterotrophic. We cannot manufacture essential amino acids in the body ( these are usually amino acids 8/10) so tear amino acids need to be obtained externally from food sources. Of we do not eat food the the body will not be able to produce these essential amino acids and the essential proteins that are needed by the body.

What is the relationship between the order of bases in DNA and the order of amino acids in the final protein?

Amino acids are fundamental in your DNA. You need them to make DNA. You need them to be alive. Amino acids bind together in a special combination that your body needs to make more.

How do you distinguish different amino acids?

By their side chains. All amino acids have this structure: HOOC- C - NH2 Attached to that middle C is the side chain. They can have many different properties- They can be aromatic, polar, lipophilic, basic, acidic, Sulfur containing, among others There are 20 amino acids inside the human body, each has a different structure and function, due to its properties.

Why does your body need nytorogen?

Your body requires nitrogen as it is a basic precursor of amino acids. These amino acids are made into essential proteins which include enzymes which catalyze many of the required chemical reactions in a human body.

Why you can not produce amino acids after birth?

Untrue. You continue to produce amino acids throughout your entire life. Amino Acids are the single links in producing protein chains, thus you always need to make more. The thing that you can never change is your DNA which codes for the makeup of Amino Acids.

How many amino acids could be found in the human body?

There are twenty common protein amino acids in your body, of which half can be formed in the cells. The remainder need to be consumed in our diet, as our body cannot make them, yet they are still vital. There are 2 other amino acids very ocassionally used in proteins (only one in humans) meaning that are 21 different protein amino acids in humans. Some biological pathways use other types of amino acids not found in proteins. There are at least six additional ones found in humans, but it would be difficult to determine an exact number.

What is the function of amino acid?

They make up proteins.

Do I need amino acids to build my body?

Yes, amino acids are safe to take. Though, any supplement should be cleared through your regular doctor first to make sure it is okay for your personal body.