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Q: Can the body create carbon monoxide?
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Why is carbon monoxide found?

When Carbon reacts with an insufficient supply of oxygen, bonds form and create CO (carbon monoxide)

Which gas enters the bloodstream through the lungs and binds to hemoglobin and reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the body's organs and tissues?

Carbon monoxide

How do carbon monoxide enter the body?


An ingredient in tobacco smoke that seriously limits the body's ability to use oxygen is?

Carbon monoxide seriously limits the body's ability to use oxygen.

What substance interferes with the body's ability to carry oxygen?

The substance that makes it difficult for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is also poisonous the cells in the body.

How is carbon monoxide removed from the body?

air filters

Do human need carbon monoxide to survive?

The body makes all the carbon monoxide it needs, which isn't much but it's more than none.

How does carbon monoxide effect your body?

when carbon monoxide enters the body, it alters the hemoglobins in your red blood cells. hemoglobins are what carry oxygen on your red blood cells throughout the body, and when carbon monoxide comes, it allows fewer oxygen molecules to be absorped into the red blood cells.

How do you create carbon monoxide?

A hydrocarbon fuel burnt in an atmosphere with sufficient oxygen will create water and carbon dioxide, i.e. both the hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms in the fuel combine with two oxygen atoms. However if there is not enough oxygen available the carbon atoms will form a double bond with a single oxygen atom forming carbon monoxide.

What effects does tar and carbon monoxide have on a smokers body?

its harmful and you will die!

What is the average amount of carbon monoxide a human body needs?


When you exhale do you breathe out carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide?

of course we breathe out carbon dioxide not carbon monoxide