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No you just won't have a period that month because of the egg

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Q: Can the egg implant the day your period is due?
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What happens if the fertilized egg does not implant?

it sheds along with your period..

How do you know if your egg did not implant?

when your period comes on when its suppose to then you know it didnt take..

If a fertilized egg does not implant when should you expect your period?

you should expect it on the day it suppose to come on.. Implantation happens a week before your if it didn't happen you got til when your period should come on.

Can you get implation bleeding on day 11 of your cycle?

No, two days after your period you may not have even ovulated...let alone concieved and the fertilised egg travelled down the fallopian tubes to implant in the uterus. Bleeding two days after your period is likely just spotting at the end of your period, or may be ovulation spotting.

Implantation bleeding on the same day of the period?

Yes-- it's possible. It happened to me. If you ovulated 6-12 days before your period was due and the egg was fertilized, you could have implantation (and bleeding) on the day of your period!

Where does the fertilized egg implant?

egg implants in the uterus

Is it possible to release a egg 1 day before your period starts?

It's possible to have bleeding a day after ovulation, but unlikely to have a "real" period a day after releasing an egg.

What are the hormones that stimulate menses?

During a normal 28 day cycle you will ovulate on day 14. Day 1 of the cycle being the first day of your period. At this time you have the hormones oestrogen and progesterone present. If the egg is fertilised then these hormones remain at a higher level and menstuation does not happen and the egg implants. If the egg is not fertilised the the oestrogen and progesterone levels fall and menses begins. [Mentruation is a means of shedding an unfertilised egg then preparing for the next egg to implant should it be fertilised during the next cycle]. Hope this helps.

Why do you have a period when your on birth control?

The hormones don't prevent ovulation or conception. The lining of your uterus is still enriched with blood, but the hormones trick the body into not allowing the zygote to implant. That's if you did conceive that month. The zygote is in effect immediately miscarried. If it's an egg, it also does not implant. After no implantation, your body flushes the egg (or zygote) and also the lining of your uterus. You have a period.

Where does a fertilized egg implant?

A fertilized egg implants into the Uterus.

What is the fluid lost by blood?

Between day 1 and 21 of your cycle your uterus wall starts to thicken so that a fertilized egg can implant there and turn into a fetus (baby) when an egg doesn't fertilize the uterus wall just starts to break away and that is the blood that you get during your period. However if a egg is fertilized then the egg can implant and the wall will be how the mother and baby are connected and how the baby will gets its nutrients via the umbilical chord. I know this through having 4 miscarriages and having a large interest in the reproductive cycle since I was 11 :) xx

Is it possible for you to have fertilization but no implantation of the fertilized egg?

It is possible for a fertilized egg not implant in the uterine lining, it could be due to stress, certain drugs or medications, or that the egg was not viable. This situation is very common, possibly happening to a third of fertilized eggs.