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Yes, he is the father of your daughteY whether he wanted to be or not. * If the issue pertains to the birth of the child, then no, such costs are not recoverable by the mother or any other party. A man cannot be held legally responsible for any financial matters relating to a child that is not born to a married couple until parentage of that child has been established. This includes child support, medical issues and all other financial matters as well as custodial and visitation issues.

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Q: Can the father of a child be sued for half of the medical bills for a child he did not want?
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If the child support order states that you must pay for medical insurance are you also obligated to pay the dental and optical bills not covered by the insurance?

most of the time they give responsibility to CARRY the insurance on the child to one parent but also state that the other parent has to pay half of the medical bills that are aquired. Depends on the divorce papers. Its all about the legalities. most of the time they give responsibility to CARRY the insurance on the child to one parent but also state that the other parent has to pay half of the medical bills that are aquired. Depends on the divorce papers. Its all about the legalities.

If your ex has custody of the children how can you make him give you their medical bills so you can pay your half?

Ask him for the bills.

Would I be legally required to pay half of medical bills when kids are on ex's insurance and she has full custody and gets child support?

That is dependent on the court orders. see link

What do you do when you find out tha your girl is pregnant?

This is dependent upon your relationship. In my opinion, you should offer her your full support and help her with half of the costs of medical bills and the cost of raising the child. You should also provide yourself to be 50% of the child parenting relationship too and show your child what a father is supposed to be. The main thing right now would be to support your girlfriend and be there for her throughout her pregnancy.

How do you deal with an ex who is unwilling to pay half of medical bills?

Your best bet is to pay for the bills yourself and then take them back to court.

Is father responsible for half of pregnancy bills?

I think so! It takes two to "tango".

How much more DNA does the mother contribute than the father in a child?

its 50/50. half from the mother and half from the father.

Father died Mother left you half property do you claim fathers remaining half?

Is your mother still alive? Find out if your father made a will. Are you an only child? If not, he made have left his half to another child. Get a lawyer.

If a father in nv has his child half the time does he pay child support?

yes, he pays

What all can you ask for in a child support case?

i had my ex pay child support, half medical, half child care....however that is normally figured in with the support

What percentage of the child's DNA come from the father?

About half. But it depends.

Can a child and alleged father have no common DNA markers?

NO, as half of the genetic material for the child is from the father they will always have similar DNA patterns.