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Bettas generally flare out their gills to look bigger than they are, with one of two primary goals. First, as a courtship moves ("hey, I'm worth looking at!") or as an aggression/dominance expression in order to intimidate or stake our territory. They may even do it in the absence of other fish, if they are used to being fed by humans and want to get your attention...and your food. It is perfectly normal. It is showing off, probably because it saw it's own reflection or another male, or female, and is "flirting" with her.

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15y ago
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6y ago

Female Betta fish as well as males are known for flaring their gills. The reason is Betta fish are fighting fish. Bettas do this if they feel uncomfortable or feel something (another fish, human, etc.) is coming to close to their habitat. I am the owner if two bettas and although they can put on an angry face they are good pets to that that are fun and last a long time

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14y ago

If a filter is not cycled it will not particularly stress the fish but it will only be stirring up the water. If the filter is making too much current for the particular species of fish it may disturb the fish a little but if it is a case of a cycled filter running or not running, I can assure you that the fish will be more stressed by not having a filter than having one running a bit faster than neccessary.

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13y ago

No! But it can frustrate them it is just a protection method put a mirror in front of him near his eyes and it will puff out it's gills. I'm not sure if females do this though it might just be males!!!!

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Q: Can it stress the betta fish out to flare their gills?
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Does hokding a mirror in front of a fish change what it does?

Not with many fish, although holding a mirror to a betta will cause it to flare its gills as it will think its reflection is competition

What does it mean when a betta fish has bulging eyes?

It means he hates you. Bettas flare their gills out when they're trying to scare another betta away, or to impress a female with how large he is.

What does it mean when my male fighter fish flares its gills at the 2 females fighters?

When betta fish flare their gills, it usually means that they want to show off; either to other fish, or to their owner. Sometimes, if you scare your betta fish, they will flare their gills at you just to let you know that they aren't afraid of you. if your betta fish flares their gills all of the time, you may just have a very aggressive fish.

What does it mean when betta fish flare?

Bettas flare to scare other fish from their territories or to attract a female.

Betta fish toward a mirrior?

yes what about the betta fish and mirror?? will it flare or just ignore it?please give details

Is it natural for a red thing to come out of a bettas gill?

Yes, the "red thing" is actually called a membrane. Bettas will flare out their gills and membranes when he is feeling threatened, especially by another Betta fish.

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Why do Betta Fish fight each other?

Mainly for territorial and mating purposes. Bettas are very territorial and will attack any fish with bright colors and large fins. Especially other Bettas. Bettas flare when threatened by opening out their fins and extending a 'beard' from under their gills.

Why do male betta fish flare their fins?

They're territorial fish. They flare up to make themselves look larger. In doing this, they may scare away possible threats to themselves and their territory.

How does salmon breath?

Of course they can all fish have gills which allow them to breath in water.

Why does your male betta flare at the female?

Simple. Betta fish are territorial. They see movement, and color as a threat. They will do this even to the females until maybe mating season.

Betta fish black frills?

Some bettas just have dark gills, even the white ones.