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If the adult patient is alert, in full possession of their faculties, and not living in unsafe conditions, no. You'll end up in Family Court one way or another, and there are going to be repercussions.

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12y ago

yes they can you need to talk to a HACC team HOME AND COMMUNITY CAER PEOPLE go to the hospital in your area

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Q: Can the government force you to put a sick parent in a nursing home?
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Can hospice force you to put your parent in a nursing home?

No; but if you can not properly care for your parent, it is wise to follow the recommendation of hospice staff. That is what they are trained to do.

Can hospice make you put your parent in a nursing home?

No they can not make you put your parent in a nursing home.

How much money can a parent give to a child if the parent is past 80 and possibly going to nursing home in the future?

There is no limit on the amount of money that your parent can give you. You want to do this before they go to the nursing home because the home will take all of their money.

What if your parent goes into a nursing home?

This is a very broad question, with no definite answer. There is no clear intended, desirable answer present within this question. If your parent goes to a nursing home, then try to visit them often, don't abandon them, if they are a good parent. Also, make sure that they are not mistreated, because nursing homes are known grounds for public misconduct.

If am a Disability of child and my parent is going to a nursing home can I with a power of appiontment protect the house from medicaid?

If you are "permanently and totally disabled" as defined by Social Security and living in your parent's home, your parent can probably transfer the home to you without penalty.

Does the federal government regulate nursing homes?

There are federal laws regarding the care given in a nursing home

Will a nursing home take away a 10K gift from parent?

No, but Medicaid might suspend coverage.

Can you get assistance moving a parent from nursing home with medicare and medicaid?

There is no provision in Medicaid for assistance in moving a recipient from one residence (such as nursing home) to another. I suspect the same is true for Medicare.

What does an ombudsman do in a nursing home?

An ombudsman is a liasion between patients/families and the nursing home. They investigate complaints about quality of care and living conditions. They also are the contact point for government agencies that regulate the nursing home.

If a child has been given a house with a parent having a lifetime right of occupancy and parent has to go to a nursing home can the child sell the property?

The parent must consent to the sale.

If someone dies in a nursing home under medicare and money is in her estate what happens to the money?

If the money is in the sole name of the decedent it can be attached for any funds owed to the nursing home or to the government for government provided medical assistance.

If Parent is in nursing home and no one lives in her home can it be sold in tn?

Yes - but the proceeds must be used for her medical care or other legitimate expenses.