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no, it is definitely not possible and therefore nothing to worry about when time travelling

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Q: Can the grandfather paradox actually exist in the universe?
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Can a grandfather paradox exist?

no, not a person in the universe

What is the paradox of time?

The paradox of time refers to the various contradictions and complexities surrounding the nature of time, such as the idea of time being both subjective and objective, or the concept of time travel leading to potential causality issues like the grandfather paradox. It raises questions about the fundamental nature of time and our understanding of it.

Can you give me some examples of paradox?

Sure! Here are a few examples of paradoxes: The liar paradox: "This statement is false." The grandfather paradox: If you went back in time and prevented your grandfather from meeting your grandmother, would you still exist? The unexpected hanging paradox: A judge tells a prisoner he will be hanged at noon on one weekday in the next week, but the hanging will be a surprise - can the prisoner be sure he won't be hanged?

Why does the page exist?

time paradox

Does everyone exist or are they just part of the Universe that I am creating?

"Does everyone exist or are they just part of the universe that I am creating?" is a question that has been asked in philosophy many times. This varies depending on what you believe. Most people believe that everyone does actually exist.

What is a time paradox?

A time paradox generally refers to a paradox of time travel.The most well-known time paradox is the grandfather paradox. Follow the logic here: If you went back in time and killed your grandfather, then your own father would never have been born and thus you would never have been born. However, if you were never born, then you could never have have gone back in time and killed your grandfather. Therein lies the paradox. What would happen then? Well, since no one's ever traveled through time, it's impossible to know for sure. There are some theories:According to the Back to the Future films, the universe would explode.After killing your grandfather, you would return to the present only to find yourself in a world where you don't exist. Basically, you would be like James Stewart in It's A Wonderful Life.According to the Novikov self-consistency principle, if you went back in time and tried to kill your grandfather, you would find yourself unable to.Another time paradox is the predestination paradox, also known as a "casual loop". This was demonstrated in an episode of The Twilight Zone where a man traveled back in time to determine the cause of a famous fire. While in the past, he accidentally knocked over a kerosene lantern and started the very fire he was trying to determine the cause of. Unlike the grandfather paradox, this does not create a contradiction. In fact, strictly speaking, this is perfectly consistent. However, it's a paradox because it seems to indict that free will doesn't exist or that it's an illusion.An ontological paradox is kind of a version of the predestination paradox. Now, let's say that one day your future self shows up and gives you blueprints to build a time machine. You then build a time machine and travel back in time to give the blueprints to yourself, closing the loop. All this begs the question, where did the blueprints come from in the first place? Well, nowhere, apparently. Perhaps from an earlier timeline.A quick expanation of a time paradox is imagine if you had a time machine, and you went back and killed your grandfather, as a consequence of this your father or mother would never have been conceived, and thus neither will you have been. The paradox comes into play as this, if you were not conceived because you had killed your grandfather, and your parent wasnt born, and you werent born, this means you didnt exist, and If you didnt exist, you werent around to kill your grandfather in the first place, so your parent will have been born, thusly you would have been too. Its all very confusing. Also, imagine someone you love dies,and you go back in time to save them, and you do, the reason you travelled back in time is to save that person, if that person is saved and alive and well, there was no reason to go back in time anyway, so the loop begins again.Also in the new show into the universes with Stephen Hawking a crazy scientis builds a time machine, sets it to be a minute earlier then the present, assembles a gun, goes to the other side of the time machine sees himself assembling the gun and shoots himself through the machine.

What would happen if you went back in time and killed your parents?

If you were to go back in time and kill your parents, it would create a paradox because if your parents were killed before you were born, you would not exist to go back in time in the first place. This type of scenario is often presented in theoretical physics and is known as the grandfather paradox, where altering events in the past can lead to contradictions.

What does paradox do?

A paradox is a statement that appears to contradict itself or defy logic, yet may be true under certain circumstances. It challenges conventional thinking and can be used to highlight underlying complexities, prompt deeper reflection, or reveal hidden truths.

What is god and where it is actually exist?

god is no where it is the belief of individual to have the blind faith on the god. God is seeing each and everything that is existing in the world. He is the creater of this whole universe. God doesnot exist anywhere but with the help of his powers he is present at every corner of the universe.

What purpose does a parallel universe serve?

There is no evidence that Parallel Universe exists, but doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Accord of the law of Physics, yes Parallel Universe can exist. However if Parallel universe does exist, it will benefit to because when our universe come to an end, the only way to survive is to escape our universe to parallel universe.

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Since aliens do not appear to actually exist, and are probably not criminals if they do exist, there is no way. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and there is no reason to think it is not us.

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In the Universe