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Many health departments have family planning programs that remove Mirena. If your county health department does not, they can still tell you about local offices that do so.

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Q: Can the health department remove Mirena?
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Does the health department insert Mirena?

I heard yes and that its free at lease in gainesville

Will a pregnancy terminate if mirena is not removed?

A doctor will remove the Mirena if you are pregnant it could harm the baby. By getting an IUD, you agree to: -have the IUD removed -if the pregnancy is viable, your doctor will discuss your options after removing the IUD.

Can Mirena cause left-sided pain?

A Mirena in place will not cause pain. See your health care provider to have your symptoms evaluated.

You are using Mirena and you are urinating blood?

Mirena doesn't cause bleeding with urination. See your health care provider, as you probably have an infection.

Is it bad to have a baby afer Mirena?

Yes, Mirena does not affect the risk of infertility, miscarriage, or birth defects. There is no change in the probability of having a healthy child due to using Mirena.

What happens when Mirena cames out by itself?

When Mirena comes out by itself, you may be at risk for pregnancy. Use another method until you consult with your health care provider.

What are the health issues if the Mirena IUD is left in place longer than the recommended 5 years?

The main health issues if Mirena is left in place longer than five years are risk of pregnancy. Use an alternate method.

Do you get a period if you're on mirena?

You can get the IUD inserted anytime the health care provider can be reasonably sure you're not pregnant.

What happens when you have an Mirena IUD infection?

Mirena does not cause infections.

What if the Mirena is hurting you on the inside causing cramping what should I do?

If you're having cramping with Mirena, you should use a backup method until you can get the position checked by your health care provider. If all is well, you can talk with your provider about options.

Can you get pregnant if a Mirena IUD is not removed after 5 years?

Unlike other IUDs, Mirena releases a low dose of intrauterine Levonorgestrel to suppress ovulation and to reduce menstrual flow - like all drugs it has an expiration date.The Mirena website does not state the dose decreases;it simply states the IUD must come out in 5 years. It also says a new Mirena IUD can be placed the same day the old one is removed. When Mirena stops releasing levonorgestrel - which suppresses ovulation - it is still a foreign object in your uterus. If you were to get pregnant, the Mirena would need to be removed.If you were to conceive with any IUD you would be at high risk for a severe infection, miscarriage and premature delivery unless the IUD was removed. Because of this, your health-care provider will remove Mirena, even though removing it may cause a miscarriage.

What will happen if you don't get Mirena removed?

If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks. For instance, if you're menopausal and not concerned about pregnancy, there is no pressing need to remove it.