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In a sense, yes. Humans actually don't produce the enzyme, lactaid, naturally after our childhood. Which means if you can down a glass of milk with a side of chocolate ice-cream then congrats! You're a mutant! So in the human body we produce this enzyme, lactaid, when we are a baby so that we may drink and digest our mother's breast milk. But, as we grow up, we stop producing lactaid because it no longer is necessary. Now let's look at puberty. This is the time when you're sex hormones are raging, you're brain is remodeling itself, and you're basically growing into your adult body. So I guess if you think about it, since puberty signifies the end of you childhood, then yes your body could very well stop producing lactaid. But I wouldn't say that it is a direct catalyst either. You can learn more about this on Scishow's video: Milk, and the mutants that love it.

p.s If you have found that after puberty you grew lactose intolerant, I can tell you that it is actually very common to grow into lactose intolerance. It happened to me. And if you ever find yourself missing that milkshake that you would have all the time as a kid, Google the pill Lactaid. It's an enzyme supplement that you take with every dairy product that you eat and allows you to digest the food.

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Studies say that this is not possible. A there is no change in the microorganisms in the intestine before and after puberty.

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Q: Can the hormone changes in puberty cause lactose intolerence?
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Yes.thats true

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