

Best Answer

No. The only metal we can safely digest is pure gold leaf.

ANS2:There are only a few metals that can be safely ingested because most have toxic effects. The process of digestion is the breaking down of materials into absorbable components. There are a number of metals that can be digested. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach can digest iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, all of the group 1 and 2 metals and salts of silver, lead and Mercury. Digesting does not necessarily mean that the quantity of metal will be entirely digested.
Say your hypothetical metal corncob (I hope it is hypothetical) is made of brass. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. It will be corroded by the stomach acid and produce copper and zinc chloride. Neither of those salts is particularly good for you and may irritate the intestines but will probably not be absorbed in quantities large enough to poison you. If the corncob was coated with lacquer, as most ornamental brass pieces are, the stomach acid cannot come in contact with the metal so it will not be digested.
The preceding answer claims that gold can be digested. On the contrary, it will not be affected by any digestive process in the human body. It will pass harmlessly through the digestive tract without being affected. Some alloys, such as stainless steel will be similarly unaffected.
To get a better answer to this question, find out what sort of metal your corncob is made from and ask about digesting that metal.
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Q: Can the human body digest a metal corn cob?
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When ever i eat frrozen corn i have a very easy bowl movement but when ever i eat corn on the cob or can corn it's hard for me to digest?

Yes, corn takes a long time to digest in the human body, some people with good digestive systems can digest it ok like me. But its totally normal.

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Your body finds it hard to digest corn (on the cob) and that results in corn bits coming out when you do your "business". It helps with keeping your digest working because it is trying to digest that corn.

What type of corn will digest the best?

For human consumption: Creamed corn (as in soup) is already broken down so it will digest easier than whole kernel corn. Processed corn such as in cereals will also digest easier than whole kernel corn. I don't know about animal consumption.

Why are there yellow capsule shaped matter in feces?

If you have eaten corn in the past day or so, that could be it. The body doesn't digest corn.

How long does it take to digest corn?

Corn can never be fully digested by the human digestive system. This is because corn contains cellulose, which cannot be digested by humans.

Does your body not totally digest corn?

Parts of corn is made up of a lot of cellulose (a specific type of sugar molecule) which humans cannot break down, or digest, because we lack the enzyme (helper) necessary to do so. After eating raw corn or corn-on-the-cob, there may be chunks of corn that are not digested. However, creamed corn and corn that's cooked longer is easier for humans to digest more fully.

Is quorn hard to digest?

Corn is mainly Fiber which is not Digested. It helps our body digest stuff faster, but it is not digested itself. If you ate some corn without biting it and just gulped it, you would see that the corn is still intact and the same color in your feces.

How do you get the goodness if sweetcorn doesn't break down in the body?

The kernel doesnt break down but the corn inside does. Your body digests the inside, and cannot digest the outside. You still get the nutritional value of the corn.

Why would there be corn in your crap?

Because corn is a seed and does not digest properly in our bodies as our bodies are not made to digest seeds.

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Can humans digest sweetcorn?

The human digestive system can't digest sweet corn (on the cob). The part that you see exit your body as part of your fecal matter is actually the part that the human digestive system can't do much with, because we don't have the enzymes (complicated proteins that the body creates) to break apart what the corn kernel covering is made of...some animals can, though. I think that maybe seeing the coverings not digested is what made you think that the whole corn kernel isn't digested. The rest of the corn kernel (the interior stuff) is easily digestible by the human digestive system. The center part of the kernel is mainly starch (complex carbohydrate) and a little bit of protein...and a few vitamins and minerals. The human body then can absorb the breakdown products from the starch and protein, as well as the vitamins and minerals into the blood stream, where the materials can be delivered to the rest of the body tissues. So, the end result is that, in order to get the maxiumum nutritional yield from the sweet corn you eat, make sure that it is well cooked and that you chew it well, so your digestive tract has the chance to 'capture' all the nutrients that it can from the corn