

Can the king capture the queen?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: Can the king capture the queen?
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How do you capture a king?

In chess, a king can capture any other piece except another king. Getting next to a the opposing king puts you in check because it allows your king to be taken first losing the game. Moving next to the opposing queen is the same situation unless the queen moves next to the king as some sort of sacrifice ploy.

Do you kill a king or capture the king?

what a stupid question you capture a king!

Can a king capture a king in draughts?

This is what someone said: No. For that to happen in the previous move the king put himself at check, in an adjacent square to the enemy king's square, which is an illegal move. But I say: Yes. the king can capture another king ONLY if the king is protected like a white queen protects a white king.

Can a pawn capture a king?

Yes, a pawn may capture any piece on the board as long as it is a legal move. One way it could happen is the pawn is blocking lets say a Bishop or a Rook from attacking the opponent's king. The pawn moves to a square where it attacks the Queen. Normally the Queen would either just capture the pawn or move away from it. But if the move of the pawn now places the king in check from that Bishop or Rook (this is called a discovered check) the King must move out of check. If the player now in check has no alternative but to move the King out of check, then once he moves the king, the pawn is free to capture the Queen.

Can you wipe out the king and queen at the same time with a knight in chess?

No , the Knight can , as any chess piece , only capture the square upon which it lands .

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Guyana is a republic there has no king and queen - has never had a king or queen.

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No there was not a Queen or King.

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king or queen of what?

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queen and king

What materials absorb sound the best and which do not?

Usually, stuff that is soft will absorb sound.answ2. Sound is a vibration of air molecules, and anything that may be made to absorb energy from the molecules will absorb sound. If the material has soft fibres, and can allow the sound to penetrate easily, (is porous) then the collision of sound molecules with the fibres, will transfer the energy from the molecules to the inelastic fibres, where it will be dissipated as heat.

Why are there times when a king can't capture another piece?

The King is not allowed to be in check. If a piece is on a square where if the King were there, the King would in check, the King isn't allowed to capture it.

Can you capture a king in check?

This is an example of an impossible scenario in chess. You can never capture a king; you can only checkmate it.