

Can the kis be tall even though the parents are short?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can the kis be tall even though the parents are short?
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Why may a person be too short or too tall?

it depends on genetics if your parents are short you will be short if your parents are tall you will be tall

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Both of my parents are short my half brothers are tall does that mean I will be tall to?

You mostly likely will not be tall if your parents are short. You half brothers probably get their height from the parent you don't have in common.

Can tall people beat up short people?

it depends even though that would not be very nice!!if a tall persoin was stronger ya but if not than no!

If you are 5'3 and you are 11 will you be very tall when you get older?

A lot of depends on your parents and other people in your family. If, for instance, both your parents are tall and their parents are tall, then there's a good chance you'll be tall, too. However, if both your parents mothers are short, but the dads are tall, and your parents are tall, then you could be short, or tall. If both your parents are short, then you will be short because shortness is a recessive gene. Recessive genes only show up when there are two genes, so you couldn't have a tall gene. However, you could be short all through high school and suddenly shoot up in college. The body works in mysterious ways.

Why are short people short?

How tall or short you are is usually heredity. It is passed on from the parents to the child.

Does your parents height determine yours?

Genes have a lot to do with your way of thinking; your actions in general and your physical aspects such as if you will be short or tall. Yes, sometimes the children of short one or both short parents or tall parents can take after their parents, but there is also what they call a 'throwback' which means you could have, for example two short parents and you could be quite tall like another relative in the family.

Does soda make you stay short?

There is no proof, but in my experience I've been drinking massive amounts of soda sense i was really young and i have to say I've stayed short even though both my parents are relatively tall, so you really shouldn't drink it in excess amounts.

How tall is Ryan Seacreast?

Ryan Seacrest is 5' 7.5" (173cm) tall. He doesn't mind being 5'7.5" even though people say he is short.

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he likes not to short not to tall girls though he likes brunets

How likely do you think it is for short parent to have a child who grows up to be very tall?

It depends on the genetics. If both of your parents are tall you are MOST likely to be tall same for if your parents are short, you are also MOST likely to be short. It is MOST unlikely that your parents are short while you are tall. Hope this helps! If you have more opinions/answers/reasons/comments or any other stuff, do type in under the Discussion page!

How tall is a male labrador at 8 months?

it depends on the parents size because my lab is very short because its parents were really short