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Q: Can the lab tell if the urine is not human?
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Can a lab tell the difference between an 11 year olds urine and a 17 year olds urine?

yes. the nose of a lab can tell the different between the pee coming from an old human and a young one because of the warmness, coldness. it can tell if its warm like the beer it just had or cold like ice cream like he just had last night when he took it off the table from the 4 year old that went to the bath room.

How do you detect human urine?

If it is on the surface, smell and sight will tell you.

What will cause a faulty urine test for cocain?

diabetes liverdisease kidney didease amaoxicilllan tonic water lab error human error switched urine bad luck procaine, novacaine

I did half a gram of cocaine 8 days ago had a urine test which was sent to the lab 3 hours after the lab urine test I took the at home urine test negative with a faint line will the lab be neg?

Of course. You're screwed.

Can naproxen show as anything on a urine analysis?

Naproxen can show as THC on a screening test. If they send it to a lab with a confirmation machine, they can tell the difference there.

Can urine be stored in the fridge before lab testing?

Yes, urine can be stored in the fridge before lab testing. In fact, urine is always supposed to be stored in cooler temperatures for testing. This prevents the growth of bacteria in the urine.

Can you pass a urine lab test with half water and half urine yes or no?

Depends on what kind of urine

How do you know about pregnancy in urine test in lab?

When a human female is pregnant, she starts to generate a hormone called hCG (human choriogonadotropin). It is specific to a pregnant female as it is made in the placenta, and it is excreted in the urine. Most labs will run an hCG test on all urine samples as part of the standard urinalysis.

Fact or fiction that there is no difference between urine and Mountain Dew in a lab test?

There are many differences between urine and mountain dew when examined by a lab.

Can strip natural cleanser be detected in a lab?

can the strip cleanser be found in urine by lab

Does golden shower synthetic urine work in lab test?

No, because it is simply not urine.

Will isopropyl alcohol show in a lab urine test?

no. urine tests are looking for ethyl not isopropyl