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Q: Can the laboratory thermometer be used to measure the temperature of volcanic lava which has temperatures ranging from about 600C to 1200C?
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What is responsible for changing liquid water to water vapor?

its responsible to balance the environment

What minerals is pumice made up of?

Pumice is not a specific mineral. It is a highly vesicular volcanic glass, originating as one of the common acid volcanic rocks and containing dissolved CO2 or H2O, at high temperatures. Upon the pressure release in a volcanic explosion, the dissolved gases expand greatly to create the familiar low density light coloured material. Commonly 90% of the material is bubbles or their frozen remains.Scoria is a similar material, but is darker and much heavier, reflecting the source rock and conditions from which it originated.

Why did the enzyme activity differ at 0c and 100c?

I will assume that you are talking about enzymes found in the normal human body. Enzymes function best at an optimal temperature (in our case, around 37 degrees celsius) because of the inherent tradeoff between reaction rates and protein stability. Remembering your elementary kinetics, the rate of an endothermic reaction (i.e. one that needs energy to function) is directly proportional to the temperature. Since by all means enzymes are biological catalysts, they follow this rule of thumb. However, remembering your biochemistry, higher temperatures lead to protein denaturization, wherein the activity of the enzyme becomes zero due to changes in the protein folding. Thus, in the case of human enzymes, we can expect to see optimal activity at body temp, low activity at lower temperatures, and no activity at very high temperatures.It is important to note though that different enzymes have different optimal temperatures. For example, the DNA polymerase enzyme of Thermophilus aquaticus, a type of bacteria living near volcanic vents has an optimal temperature of around 70-80 degrees celsius!== == the enzymes react faster when the temp. is lower b/c the enzyme would get used to the reaction to keep going and the normal body temp. is closer than 100 degrees celcius>>>......

Why does an egg shell turns black when an egg is boiled in volcanic hot lakes?

Why does an egg shell turns black when an egg is boiled in volcanic hot lakes?"

What volcanic glass is caused by pockets of gas?


Related questions

Can the laboratory thermometer be used to measure the temperature of lava?

No,it can't be used because if it is used for volcanic lava.The thermometer will blast because the temprature of lava is more than to 600 C. AND the glass can't Protect itself from this much heat.

Why can't a laboratory thermometer be used to measure the temperature of volcanic lava?

It would melt. The temperature of lava (molten rock) is as hot as liquid metal, and lab thermometers are typically metal and glass. Thermometers made from ceramic might survive, but they are not calibrated for that high a temperature, which is typically 700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 to 2,192 °F). Lava temperatures are usually measured indirectly at a distance of at least a few meters away, using the passive thermometers found in industrial blast furnaces.

How do large scale volcanic eruptions cause global temperature decrease?

ash arises making the sun blocked and the temperatures be effected

Why do volcanic eruptions affect the temprature?

The volcanic eruptions affect the temperature due to the ash cloud it injects into the atmosphere. The ash cloud insulates the earth, preventing some of the warm of the sun from being absorb by the earth. This results in cooler temperatures in the affected areas.

Temperatures generally encountered during volcanic eruptions are approximately what degrees?

10,000 eC

Suppose the stratosphere became covered in a thick blanket of volcanic dust How would this affect the temperature of the air in the troposphere?

If the stratosphere became covered in a thick layer of volcanic dust... it would slowly cover the earth like a blanket and block out the sun witch would lower the temperatures for maybe years.

What influences the weather and climate?

sun's energy wind patterns ocean temperatures volcanic action

What is the primary way that volcano's can trigger a mass extinction?

Gasses released by a massive volcanic event can cause catastrophic climate changes. Carbon dioxide will raise global temperatures. while sulfur dioxide will lower temperatures.

What is the primary way that volcanoes and can trigger a mass extinction?

Gasses released by a massive volcanic event can cause catastrophic climate changes. Carbon dioxide will raise global temperatures. while sulfur dioxide will lower temperatures.

Why might a major volcanic eruption lead to cooler temperature over a large area around the volcano?

Blocking of solar radiation from ash in the atmosphere causing less radiation to reach surface cooler temperatures. *I <3 cupcakes!*:)

What is lava and what temperature is it?

Lava is molten rock that is released during a volcanic eruption. It is formed when the Earth's mantle melts due to high temperatures and pressure. The temperature of lava can vary, but it is generally between 1,200°C and 1,200°C (2,200°F and 2,200°F)

What happened to temperatures after mount Pinatubo?

The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo spewed megatons of light particulate into the air, lowering earth's albedo, which caused temperatures to drop. As this particulate settled out, the temperature climbed back up. In addition, small amounts of carbon dioxide were emitted. This heat trapping gas lingers for extended periods of time, which would typically elevate temperature slightly after the initial dip. Many millions of years ago extensive volcanic out-gassing ultimately raised earth's temperature.