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Adultery is not a crime in most places. It is morally wrong, but there is no law against it. A US Embassy is not going to get into a domestic dispute. They will assist in cases of child custody, but not a divorce action.

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Q: Can the local US Embassy assist in turning in a US married man comitting adultery while overseas?
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Yes because your if your partner is not anulled then that means that they are still married and them and you are both comitting adultery

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The state where you now reside.

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Yes it is adultery, as one of the partners here is married. Then the married one is committing adultery.

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Yes Answer No. It's only adultery if you are married.

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Well, technically "adultery" only refers to infidelity between married people, so if you're not married, then it's just infidelity, not adultery.

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The easiest way is to register your marriage with the nearest US embassy or Consulate in the country where you marriage took place and from there, the consulate will be able to further advice ..I am assuming that you the US Citizen is based overseas right ?

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You don't . . . that is adultery. When you were married, you promised never to commit adultery.

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If you married a Canadian and you live at Cambodia, you must go for an interview at the embassy.

Is it considered adultery if my spouse and I have lived apart for over a year?

I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.

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Colorado 18-6-501 - Adultery. "Any sexual intercourse by a married person other than with that person's spouse is adultery, which is prohibited."

Can you get married at the US embassy in Qatar?

No, the US embassy does not porform marriages nor reconize them in the US. But on the US embassy of QA website they do give you a list of christan churchs that you can get married at and also the documentation procedure if you wanna get your qatar marriage reconizwed in the US