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Royce Homenick

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Q: Can the military take over your during a crisis without your permission?
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Can a military take over your home during a crisis without your permission?


Can the military take over your home during a crisis without your permission?

Yes. The military have the authority to take control of any property or building they need in the name of national defence. All land in a country belongs to the government (or monarchy if they have one) of that country, even if you have a property on it. The military work for the government/monarchy. Unlike the police, in a national crisis, the military can commandeer any building or vehicle they need in the name of national defence without permission and without a warrant. For example, if your country is being invaded, and you have a house on top a hill overlooking a choke point, the military will need to take control of that house and the surrounding hill, so they can use it to ambush the invaders and stop their advance.

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It was a political and military crisis in Canada during the Great War.

Can military take over your house during crisis?


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military personnel leaving their post in war time, without permission, and are subject to court martial.

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None of the above have permission to croos the runway without contacting the Control Tower for approval

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Instrument holdline designates the boundary of the ILS navigation and will not be breached during inclement weather without permission from the control tower.

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