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Natural disasters can affect every place of the Earth.

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Q: Can the natural disasters affect Africa in the future?
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What will happen to Africa in the future?

There are many positive indications that the future is in Africa. Africa has immense potential and natural resources that are not being put in good use. With good governance the future is definitely bright.

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the future generation will face natural disasters and the hole in the ozone will expand. Alot of people will be affected in the future lucky for us we are just about to die.

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Yes, South Africa has many unexploited resources.

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Most likely but I am quite sure that they are advancing their technology to prevent future disasters.

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Theoretically, any. Species can become extinct due to lack of reproduction, natural disasters (meteors, ice ages, etc.), or sometimes because of slaughter.

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Not really. Mothers can have a natural birth after a C-section

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As long as humans are doing it, nothing will prevent future disasters like this.

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It is useful to know science to understand the world around us, and be able to predicate future events (weather, natural disasters, etc.), and to understand cause/effect of events.

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The future does not affect the past. The past effects the future.

What are some natural disasters that might occur in Iceland?

Volcanoes and earthquakes might occur in Iceland in the future. Through the center of Iceland runs a tectonic boundary which makes Iceland susceptible to a disaster of an earthquake or volcano.

How did the battlefields in future battles affect the war?

The future cannot affect the past.

What is the future of Africa?

The future is difficult to predict accurately (but very easy to predict inaccurately) so allow me to predict that Africa is facing a difficult future.