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Should that prevent him from getting custody if the child safety is in jeopardy? There are many causes for arrears unrelated to refusing to pay, so yes.

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Q: Can the non-custodial parent get custody even though they owe 5 years of back support?
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Do child support papers have anything to do with custody?

Generally no, though there is a presumption of primary residential custody for the obligee parent. In states like California, the amount of time the obligor parent has the child affects the amount of child support ordered.ClarificationChild support orders and custody orders are separate. Generally, the parent who pays child support pays it to the custodial parent.

Can noncustodial parent be fined for faliure to attend school?

For his or her failure or the child's failure? If the child, it depends on whether or not you have joint legal custody even though you may not have physical custody, and whether the truancy is occurring on your watch.

Can the noncustodial parent file for full custody?

Yes of course. Unless the custodial parent is unfit the judge would not just change it though but there is also shared custody. It's up to the court to decide.

When a 11 yr old child moves in with the noncustodial parent how do you stop paying child support?

It's best to file a motion for change of custody, but you can start by contacting child support enforcement to present evidence that the child is living with you, though you may need to wait until after school starts.

Can dhs place kids with the noncustodial parent?

Yes, though if the NC is the father, they usually don't.

Can a 15 yr old choose to live with her noncustodial parent in SC even though the custodial parent disagrees?

No, see link

In California a father wants no custody or visitation does he still have an obligation to pay child support?

Yes, though in California the child support and visitation are linked. The less time you parent the child, the more you pay.

Does a non custodial parent have any rights regarding their child?

No. Ordinary citizens do not have the power or authority to revoke parental rights. That is the province of the court. You have to petition a court, present your evidence and let the judge decide.

Can you choose to live with your mom if your sister has legal custody of you though your mom was never notified?

no because your sister has custody of you your mom doesnt have to know she is no longer your parent or gaurdian

what steps do i need to take to get custody of my son even though i am not the biological parent. what will i have to prove will i have to take a drug test do i have to have a job what rights do i have ?

If you are not the child's parent, you do not have priority in a custody dispute with a biological parent. If the custodial parent is unfit and this is proven by CPS, the child can be awarded to another family member. But since you are not related to the child and are not his parent, you don't have any rights.

If you are caught cheating in South Carolina and get a divorce can you get child support?

There are no longer laws requiring a cause for a divorce in America, and whoever gets custody of the kids should get child support, though this does not mean it will be the parent who was cheated on. Also, the man may not be the father of the children born in the marriage.

If you sue for full custody of a child does the non-custodial parent still pay child support?

In general, no. Child Support and Custody/Visitation are separate issues and often handled in different parts of the court system. For more accurate information, please remember to specify the State your matter is in.Whatever rights are specified in the court documents. Simply paying support does not, in and of itself, guarantee any other rights.The a single, unmarried, obligor parent has no rights by virtue of paying child support except the right to request a visitation schedule. A separated parent, without a restraining order applied to him/her, has an assumed equal access and decision making to the children unless limited by a court ordered visitation schedule.