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Yes!!! (in my state), if the non custodial parent has failed to provide any form of support for longer than 30 days a criminal abandonment warrant can be applied for. It is much cheaper, faster and effective than going through a civil action of contempt, and certainly more effective than my several attempts Child Support Enforcement.

To get an abandonment warrant:

You go to the magistrates office, take with you ten dollars in cash and a photo I.D. and the ncp's address. Fill out an arrest warrant request. A hearing is scheduled in a few days. You both get a letter to appear at the hearing about 2 weeks later. At the hearing the accused must appear and refute evidence presented by the custodial parent for abandonment. The judge rules on the warrant request based on the evidence presented at the hearing.

In my case the ncp lives in another state and did not show for the hearing. He is over $100K in the rears. And, I already had a contempt charge from the civil court. At the abandonment hearing three felony warrants were issued, and $100K bond was set.

I spoke the sheriff's department by phone from the other state. I then went to the fugitive department of my sheriff's office and spoke to an officer there. He then took the warrants to the D.A. to get permission to extradite from the other state. The D.A. agreed he was arrested in the other state within about 24 hours. And is currently waiting to extradition.

I hope this. Take care of your kids!

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Q: Can the noncustodial parent be charged with child abandonment?
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That would depend on the laws of your State.Generally, the crime of child abandonment occurs when the parent who is charged with the custody and care of the child leaves the child with the intent of abandoning it. Therefore a father who is paying child support is the non-custodial parent and cannot be charged with child abandonment. You can check your state laws at the related link.

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if the child doesn't want to see the noncustodial parent he doesn't have too. don't force him to do it =)

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Generally, no.

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They can be charged with abandonment and abuse. Until the child is 18 the parents are responsible.

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It is abandonment if the parent is not taking care of the child or aware that the child is in a good home where food, etc is provided. The child can turn around and say it is abandonment, despite the conditions.

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The one who would be responsible for the child during that time which would be the non custodial parent.