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No. The reproductive cells (eggs, sperm, ova and pollen) all contain half the number of chromosomes of an organisms body cell. This means that at fertilization the two reproductive cells (or gametes) combine to form a single cell with the appropriate number of chromosomes.

If a gamete had more chromosomes than a normal cell then fertilization would lead to even more chromosomes and an offspring that would be seriously genetically compromised.

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Q: Can the number of chromosomes in a reproductive cell be greater than the number chromosomes in an organism's body cell?
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Why do reproductive cells need to have half the normal number of chromosomes?

Humans and other organisms that reproduce sexually need to have half the normal number of chromosomes to make sure their offspring have the same number of chromosomes as they do - the father and mother each contribute half of their chromosomes (sperm and egg).

An organisms gametes have double the number of chromosomes found in the organisms body cells.?

No, a gamete has half the number of chromosomes as compared to the organisms body cells.

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The process of cell division in sexually reproducing organisms that reduces the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells from diploid to haploid, leading to the production of gametes in animals and spores in plants.

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The reproductive cells of an organism each contribute half of the required genetic material to create the offspring. This means that each reproductive cell has 1n, while the organism has 2n chromosomes.

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How do gametes return to the diploid number of chromosomes for sexually reproducing organisms?

They merge.