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It depends on which plague, but yes. Many viruses can be spread without touching a person due to the virus mutating and becoming airborne, or if the inflicted person touchs something that somebody else then touches.

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Q: Can the plague spread without touching a person?
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How is the spread of the bubonic plague different from the spread of influenza?

The bubonic plague was spread mainly by fleas traveling on the backs of rats in cities and through trade on continental Europe while the influenza spread directly from person to person in crowded public subways and gatherings.

What contact did the people use to spread the plague?

touching objects using the public restroom ( ground ) once you got it from a flee it spread like snow on a winter day

How would you catch the three different types of black death?

In addition to the bubonic plague, there are two other different diseases caused by the same organism, called the septicemic plague and the pneumonic plague. The bubonic plague is spread by rats and fleas; a person gets it by being bitten by an infected flea. The septicemic form is the same disease, except that it has spread into a person's blood stream, where it progresses more rapidly and is more likely to be lethal. If the plague gets into a person's lungs, then the form is the pneumonic plague, and it can be spread in the droplets in the air when that person coughs; another person can catch the pneumonic plague by breathing the air.

What actually caused the black death?

Bubonic Plague - was spread by the fleas who lived on plague-infected rats, and such rats were ubiquitous on trading ships. But the people of that time believed that the plague was a punishment from god too punish the wicked and the good people would be saved by god.Pneumonic Plague - could spread with a sneeze and jump from person to person with terrifying speed.Septicemic Plague - spread through contact with open sores

Why did the plague spread to other people?

By coming near the person. Once you got it from a FLEA, it spread like wildfire.

Can the bubonic plague be spread through the air?

Not usually unless the person who had bubo had started developing septicaemic plague. septicaemic- this plague (there are three different types) affected the lungs and was transmitted from human to human.

What disease that spread in byzantine empire in 540sAD?

There was the spread of a plague but the exact nature of the plague is unknown. It is widely believed to be a strain of Bubonic Plague.

Could you get the black plague by breathing by someone who already had it?

Yes, you could get the Black Plague by breathing near someone who already had the plague. The plague was transmitted through the spread of droplets in the air when a person coughed or sneezed. If you breathed those droplets, you could get the plague.

How did the bubonic plague disease spread from Europe to Asia?

The bubonic plague started in Asia and spread to Europe.

What was the first animal to get the plague and spread it to humans?

Rats, fleas, and mice where mainly the first to get the plague and spread it around.

How did the plague get here?

black death Plague was spread via silk road. Mongol armies also spread it.

How do Ebloa and flu and malaria and the plague spread?

Flu is spread through contact of an infected. While Plague and malaria is spread via fleas and mosquito.