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Q: Can the rash from fire coral spread?
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If you touch the rash on your back then touch your eye can it spread?

It depends entirely on what is causing the rash. If it is caused by an infectious agent, then, yes - you could spread the infection. If it is being caused by some kind of chemical, you can spread the chemical if it is still there. On the other hand, if the rash is a delayed reaction or an allergic reaction you can't spread the rash. In short - you can't spread the rash by touching it but you could spread what is CAUSING the rash if it's still there on the skin.

Are fire coral endangered?

Fire Coral is not endangered, but they are not growing as much as they used too...

What is fire coral?

Fire coral is a red coral that gives you deep cuts and stings you that can last over 3 weeks!Stay away!!!

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no it does not cody

What is fire spread?

fire spread is the rate of time and area a fire can move or grow

Can you die from fire coral?

No. but you could be injured

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coral polyps

Can you show me a simple sentence using the word rash?

Noun in the context of, John has a rash. Or adjective, in the context of, John has made a rash statement.

What exactly is fire coral?

Fire corals are colonial marine organisms that look rather like real coral. Technically they are not corals, since they are more closely related to Hydra and other hydrozoans.

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The Chicago Fire spread a third of the town

Where does the RMSF rash spread?

Unlike rashes which accompany various viral infections, the rash of RMSF does spread to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Over a couple of days, the macules turn a reddish purple color.

Can scorpion weed rash spread from itching?

The rash from the oil usually lasts several days and can stick around for more than a week, and if you give in to the urge to scratch, that will only spread the oil, exacerbating the irritation.