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He has the right to turn over ALL illegal substances and items to the police. You have the right to go to the police and retrieve them if you have a legal right to possess them. He has the right to turn over anything he finds that is illegal to police. In AZ, the laws read that the license plate stays with the owner and not the vehicle but when the repo is called in to the local law enforcement, sometimes they call back and say the plate is "M.I. Suspended" so the repoman has to take the plate to the police. If the repoman told you the police have it, ask him for an inventory of the items and then go pick it up from the police. Depends on what he has turned over to the police and why. Repo men have no right to try and enforce the law. Remember this is a civil matter between and the lender can easily turn into a criminal matter(on both sides).I would ask for a copy of the police property report and check it very ,very carefully and make sure all of your items are accounted for repomen are sometimes thieves. Just because the repomen said he found it in your car does not make it so.

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Q: Can the repo man search your stuff and then tell you that hes turned it over to the police and you cant have it back?
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