

Can the theory of plates

Updated: 12/24/2022
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11y ago

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yes it can

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Q: Can the theory of plates
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What do you call a scientific theory that earts crust is made up of moving plates?

I believe it is the Platonic Plates Theory

What is the theory of plates?

no idea famlam

What is the theory of the moveable plates on earth?

The theory is called plate tectonics.

What is the Theory earth divided into moving plates?

The place where tectonic plates touch

How does the motion of the tectonic plates relate to continental drift?

Continental drift is the theory that "plates" on the Earth are constantly in motion and have been for millions of years. Tectonic plates are the actual moving plates.

Which scientific theory is not shown by the world map of earth's plates?

the theory of plate tectonics

What is the theory that explain why continents move?

Tectonic Plates Theory, which is now accepted as fact.

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A theory that says the lithosphere is divided into plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere is called '' plate tectonics''

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Tectonic plates

Plates of the lithosphere float on Core?

Plates of the lithosphere do not float on the core. They float on the asthenosphere (plastic mantle). Due to convection currents and the earths rotation, plates glide over the asthenosphere. This theory is the theory of Plate Tectonics.

What is the theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around?

That would be the theory of plate tectonics.

How is a mountain formed by colliding continental plates?

In theory, tectonic plates.