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If it's titanium placed on the outside of the body (external fixators), it can certainly be reused. Titanium implants (on the inside) cannot be reused legally at least in America. They probably have to be recycled first.

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Q: Can the titanium used in surgery be resold or reused?
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Is titanium used for back surgery?

Yes. In a spinal fusion, the spine is fused and held in place with titanium rods and screws.

What Types of metal used in reconstructive surgery?

Titanium because it doesn't react with the body.

Why should batteries be recycled property?

First off not to sound rude or condescending, but are you serious? The smallest battery imaginable has toxic chemicals. If not properly recycled will leak into the environment. Most battery cases and contents can be reused. The components and fillers used to produce electricity can be replaced and then resold. The components that cannot be reused are melted down and used for other things.

Pins used in skeletal surgery are made of this metal?

Orthopedic surgery often uses metal pins. The materials used in these pins (and other hardware) include stainless steel and titanium alloys.

What are pins made of?

Some steel, some brass. Other metals may be used, e.g. titanium in orthopedic surgery.

Pins used in skeletal surgery are made of what?

poop-definately not poop so don't believe that it is normally made up of titanium. If you are in a science room or class then most likely put down titanium.

Is iron used in titanium?

No, Titanium is an element.

Energy that can be used and reused an infinite number of times?

A kind of energy that can be used and reused any number of times.

What type of metal is used to stabilize a bone fracture?

Titanium and its alloys are generally used.

What do people do with titanium?

Titanium is used to make alloys. These alloys are used to make vehicle parts.

What Titanium has been used for in the past?

Titanium is a metal. we use it for make aero planes structures and surgical instruments.