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Yes, If something is not giving you adequate support it can shift the spine creating nerve pressure and pain.Often people sleep with something to big under their neck or something too thin. Both of these create poor neck posture and alignment. This manifests itself into tight neck muscles and neck pain.

When you turn on your side with something tooo big or too small your head will be tilted up or down. This puts alot of strain on the neck muscles and often you may finfd you awake with a stiff neck.

What you want to get is something called a "support pillow" or "neck Pillow".

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14y ago

On the contary. Provided you sleep on your side, two pillows offers the right height to keep your spine nicely alligned. I would strongly advice the use of two pillows

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Q: Can the types of pillows you sleep on cause neck pain?
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Why do you sleep on pillows preferably two?

Most people sleep with loads of pillows, but only 1 under there neck.

What could potentially be causing neck pain?

Stress seems to be an often the source of minor neck pain. Try to relax and keep the muscles and around the neck loose and easy. Another way to alleviate minor neck pain is to examine how you sleep. Sometimes the abundance of pillows or the lack of pillows can cause

Why do you need pillows when you sleep?

Pillows support your neck to keep it comfortable and lift your head to keep blood from rushing to it.

What is the use of a pillow?

Pillows support your neck when you sleep. This helps to prevent cramps and muscle spasms in the neck.

Why do people sleep on pillows?

Some people like to lay on their side

What do orthopedic pillows do for you?

The primary aim of orthopedic pillows is to make sure you sleep comfortable at night. This is achieved by enabling your neck to be aligned correctly, hence you can wake up and go to sleep in comfort.

Which pillow height is better during asthma attack?

I'd say about 2 fair size pillows. With three, you can cause pain in your neck. I used to sleep on 2 when I could not breath. Yes, I had asthma. 2 good pillows should do it.

Is it unhealthy to sleep with your head on top of 3 pillows?

Yes, it can be bad, even just using two pillows makes a big difference, because you can get pain in your neck joints, and even sometimes arthiritis in your neck if you do it a lot.

What can cause Pain in the neck?

a bad sleeping position. how many pillows do you use ? If you stack tem up too high they can cause you to have a sore neck the next day !!!

Where can you buy a neck pillow?

Possibly Wal-mart, but I would check any store related to travel. They usually sell neck pillows because there are many people who travel by airplane and either have neck problems or just want a comfortable pillow. Another great place to buy neck pillows is at the Neck Pain Relief Shop. They have fiber neck pillows, contoured neck pillows, water neck pillows, traction neck pillows, and foam neck pillows. Especially if you suffer from neck pain, stiff neck, numbness and tingling or aches in the neck- consider a specialty cervical pillow. Wal-mart is good too, but you will only get the flat neck pillow, which is not always the best choice if you have neck pain.

What is the best pillow to prevent your neck from hurting?

When trying to decide what type of pillow you should try, remember there are many different pillows that are considered the best pillows for neck pain. Many researchers cant decide what types of pillows are best for neck pain. There are many types of pillows for neck pain because there are many size and shapes of people. David's neck could be very different from Mary's because David is 6'3" tall and has broad shoulders. Mary is petite so has smaller shoulders. So it makes sense the wider shoulders and longer spine will result in a greater amount of height needed in the pillow to keep the neck aligned in the correct position. That's why the best pillow for David is not necessarily the best pillow for Mary. If someone sits at their desk in work all day and has bad posture this type of position can cause neck pain. The best pillows for neck pain in this case would be orthopedic or chiropractic pillows. If someone does a lot of manual work like construction workers there neck may be put under strain when lifting heavy objects. So a good pillow for them would be a memory pillow to ease neck strain. When choosing the best pillows for neck pain for your needs, do your homework.

What advantages do travel neck pillows have over normal pillows?

There are many advantages that neck pillows have normal pillows. The most obvious advantage to them is that they are easy to carry everywhere and allow for more support.