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The USA is not a nation state but rather is a Union, a nation state derives political legitimacy from the fact that it is a sovereign entity that is part of the country. A good example of a nation state is Japan. The Union system used by the USA is where the states remain under the entire country.

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Q: Can the us be considered a nation-state?
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A nation state is basically when a nation and a state occupy the same territory. I hope this was useful :)

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Not sure exactly what the question means, but oil is considered a commodity.

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Yes. The Virgin Islands are considered a US territory. But they aren't considered a US state.

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Why can the the US be considered a country of much diversity?

The US can be considered a country of diversity because immigrants from all over the world come to the US

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No. It is considered a "gulf".

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Yes, it's a US Territory.

What is the defining feature of a nationstate?

The defining feature of a nation-state is that it will have a constituent citizenry, a government and defined borders. A constituent citizenry also means a fixed territory in which it claims jurisdiction and sovereignty.