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Q: Can the xray see through the lead apron?
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X-ray machine can't see though led

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Can airport xray machines see diamonds?

Yes an airport xray will pick up a diamond or multiple. ( source airport worker )

What if you see black areas on a bone Xray?

areas which are less dense and have allowed more xrays to pass through. eg Black = air, softer tissues. White= bone/ calcification

How do you get an apron on clubpenguincom?

You can find it in the Clubpenguin Gift-shop clothing catalog in the catagories of:Penguins at work you can purchase the pizza hat to toss pizza or the apron of the cake while having the hat on with the apron or the apron by it`s self just wait through all the catalogs and see if any aprons are availible.

Can you see Ovarian cancer on a xray?

No, you will need a CT (CAT Scan)

Do xray machines see through credit cards?

They will show the embedded microchip - and also wipe the card clean ! X-rays are simply high-powered radio waves.

How does xray and ultrasound help to the doctors?

It let's them see what's wrong inside of you.

How do you get the apron on clubpenguin?

You can get many aprons from clubpenguin just go to the gift shop look in the near back and TADA you see a new apron every month.