

Can they charge you 490 for a speeding ticket?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can they charge you 490 for a speeding ticket?
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How much will a no proof of insurance ticket cost in Michigan?

There is not a ticket charge for a no proof of insurance in Michigan. You are given a ticket for other things, such as speeding.

How much cost speeding ticket?

It depends on the jurisdiction and the specific charge. In most places, speeding is punished with a fine not to exceed $1,000.

I received a ticket for speeding and a seat belt violation i had my seat belt on is the ticket valid?

Absolutely - you were cited also for speeding ... that charge will stick. Whether or not you were wearing a seatbelt will be decided by the traffic court judge.

Can a lawyer help with a speeding ticket for 78 in a 60?

I wanna know if they can get it off my record or have the charge lowered

Will one traffic ticket raise insurance in ca?

That would depend on the charge. One speeding ticket might not. One DUI certainly would.

Can a failure to appear over a speeding ticket turn into a felony after 17 years?

Generally not. A misdemeanor is possible, but a felony charge would be considered extreme in most jurisdictions (unless there were felonious charges on top of the speeding ticket).

What is cheaper a moving violation or a speeding ticket?

A speeding ticket IS a moving violation.

What if you are issued a speeding ticket in Nebr refuse to sign the ticket?

Normally a signature on the ticket admits only that you were given a copy and that you agree to appear on the charge. In some states, refusing to sign a ticket is a separate charge and since you are not agreeing to appear on the charge, you may be arrested and held for appearance in front of a judge.

If you have a learners permit in California can you get a speeding ticket?

You can get a speeding ticket regardless of what license you have; that doesn't change the fact you were speeding.

If you get a dui after you get speeding ticket when you get you licensing back is the speeding ticket still on your recode?


Can you cross the border with an unpaid American speeding ticket?

unpaid speeding ticket from oregon

Can you get a speeding ticket while driving to church?

Yes; you can get a speeding ticket driving anywhere.