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Whether you "know" it or not, is not the question - if you are refusing to acknowledge that fact and are disputing it, yes, the court (or whatever government agency) CAN require it.

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Q: Can they make you take a DNA test if you know your the father?
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Related questions

Could you do a test to know who is the dad?

After the baby is born you can take a DNA test on him/her and the potential father. No one takes the risk of putting a needle through your belly into the fetus just for DNA.

How would a guy know if he is the biological father of a baby.?

You don't. You have to take her word for it, or have your DNA checked against the baby's.

How accurate is an IQ test that I can take online?

If you take a IQ test online know that they are online as accurate as the company that you are taking them with. Some of them are rigged so make sure that you do some research to find on that is a accurate test. Keep in mind that a test is just a test.

How do you convince your babys father im pregnant?

Take a test and then show him

How can you tell if two brothers have the same father without testing the father?

The only way to know for sure is a DNA test. This involves both brother and sister and father having this blood test done. It is not always necessary to have the father participate. Just the brother and sister alone will know if they have the same father. If you want to be sure who that father is, you will need a sample of his blood as well. The test is expensive, however. Talk to Mom or a school counselor if you need to, or wait until you are an adult to have the test done.

Who are the father and son have century in their first test match and then never till now?

Bob Woolmer and his father make century in their first test match.

If i sign my parental rights up and i am not the child's biological father do i still pay child support?

You will need to take a paternity test to prove you are in fact not the biological father. A man just was released from jail in Atlanta because it turns out he was not the biological father and had been previously jailed for falling behind on child support payments... Always take the test to be sure and then you can make the right decision.

Why Albert binet is the father of intelligence?

He created the first form of an intelligence test named the Binet test, and what we now know as the IQ test.

How do you know who is the babys father?

Whoever you slept with or a paternity test with DNA testing

Can a 17 year old refuse to take a DNA test to confirm who his father is?


If Semi identical twins take paternity test what would the results be?

There is no such thing as "semi-identical" twins. If fraternal twins each take a paternity test, only the real father would show up as the father.

How do you know when you conceivd?

Take a pregnancy test