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No, HIV is not checked in routine blood tests. The test must be specifically ordered.

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Q: Can they tell if you have HIV from a routine blood test?
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Does an HIV blood test detect pregnancy?

An HIV blood test can tell if you are pregnant. When doctors get results back from a blood test, though they may be testing for a specific thing other things will get flagged as well. For example, when you take a home-pregnancy test and then go to the doctor's to confirm you are pregnant, often they will run blood tests to determine pregnancy. An HIV blood test will show whether or not you have HIV, but will also show whether or not you are pregnant.No; a HIV blood test won't tell if you are pregnant.

Is a HIV test a medical examination?

No the HIV test is not a medical examination. It is a blood test.

When will you find out if you have HIV after taking a blood test?

You can not conform the presence of HIv with the blood test, you need to go with ELISA, tridot and also western blotting.

How can you tell if you are HIV negative?

To be sure, test your blood at a clinic. It's possible that a blood test results in a false positive, so you might consider retesting your blood. A blood test usually takes 3 days to perform, so just try to remain calm and keep your mind off of it until you get your results. Clarification note: Any positive result from an initial HIV test should be routinely confirmed with a second type of test that is more sensitive to HIV. This confirmatory test should usually be run by the same laboratory or testing centre where you had you first positive result. You should not do this yourself by just going for a second HIV test - the type of tests are different.

How is HIV diagosed?

There is a specific blood test for HIV which is used for diagnosis.

Can checking the thyroid through bloodwork detect hiv?

A thyroid blood test will not detect HIV. Ask for the HIV test by name.

How do drs know when you have HIV?

They will perform a blood test for the HIV antibodies to determine if you are HIV infected.

How can you tell the difference between HIV night sweats and menopausal hot flashes?

Go to the doctor, they will give you a blood test.

When you take a normal drug test for emplyment will HIV show up?

HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, therefore it would not show up in a routine drug test.

Can you find out from a blood test if you have HIV?


If red cell show normocytic normochromic picture white appears normal platelets are adequate.. do i have hiv test..?

You describe a normal complete blood count. That is a finding separate from the HIV test. Whether you need an HIV test is not based on the complete blood count; instead, you should have an HIV test based on your risk factors for acquiring HIV.

Will HIV show up in a regular blood test?

yo im mister awesome i am not sure what your asking, if you mean can aids be found through a normal blood test then let me just make something clear, aids is a virus that attacks you immune system, once aids takes effect it will be very apperant because you will lose weight and be highly subsetable to infection and disesase, so yes it should be able to be found through a blood test because your white blood cell count should be very low. also HIV the infection that CAUSES the disease known as aids can be found through a blood test, im not sure what you mean by a 'normal blood test', the HIV anti bodies can usally be found 3 months + after your orignal infection of the HIV virus. hope this helps, and remember have safe sex