

Can this website give good answers?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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This website can give excellent answers, but you have to wait for them. If you need fast answers, you need a search engine like Google.

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Wiki User

12y ago
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Q: Can this website give good answers?
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Is askcom a good website?

No because it doesn't give you answers like and it can give you viruses from certain links.

Why are there never any good answers on this website?

There often are good answers on WikiAnswers. Though many trolls will give useless and misspelled answers, W.A. strives to be a reliable source of information for all users.

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well because this website has very good answers

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Why are the answers to everything bad on this website?

The answers on this website are both good and bad. If you had a bad answer I am very sorry.

Why do people give st answers on this website?

So that other people can know the answers.

Why does this website have such short answers that don't give much information?

often because the questions are so poorly written, or because there are easily found sites which already have good answers on them.

Why does give horrible answers?

It's not the website giving the answers its people with accounts answering the questions by what they have heard. Usually, you can actually find good answers for a question, you just have to change the wording of your question a little.

Where is a good website to find answers?

the site I am on

Do you like askcom?

i hate because the answers are from people and you don't know if it is right also they don't give good answers at all. this website can also cause viruses for your computer.

Do you get good answers in this website?

sometimes you get really good and helpful answers but sometimes you get no answer because no one has written it.