

Can thunder deafen people

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Can thunder deafen people
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What is the adjective to deafen?

The adjective form of deafen is deafening- as in, "a deafening explosion."

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yes they can blind,deafen and kill people if they are used stupidly

What can noise do to a human?

it can deafen them

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Can you deafen a horse by the sound of a canon fire?

no you can not

Does thunder soothe people?

It depends. Thunder soothes some people, but many others find thunder frightening.

If to deafen is the verb what is the adjective?

deaf (This answer is as simple as drinking water)

What does deave mean?

The definition of 'deave' is ; to confuse, stun or disorientate by loud noise ; to deafen.

Can you hear thunder?

I can always hear thunder in thunder and lightning, everyone can, except for deaf people of course because they can't hear anything.

How did the Norse people explain the sound of thunder in viking times?

It was blamed on Thor, the god of thunder.

How many people died from thunder?

Each year, an average of 27 people die from lightning strikes in the United States. Thunder itself does not directly cause deaths, but lightning, which produces thunder, can be deadly.

Can you deafen yourself by screaming?

No, You can be only as loud as you can hear because if you can't hear, you can't talk.