

Can tigers get sick

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Can tigers get sick
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Why do antelopes depend on tigers?

Because the tigers kill old and sick antelopes

What do tigers eat when sick?

tigers really like to eat grass when they are poorly, sometimes however they like to eat a mcdonalds

Are tigers independent?

whenever its mom gets sick of taking care of it

Why do tigers keep ecosystems healthy?

In the wild, predators target the week and sick.

What animal hunts tigers?

Man and other tigers. Other animals will eat a sick or dead tiger but actually hunting one is confined to very powerful predators.

Are tigers a predator to humans?

Yes very much so. All tigers are opportunist hunters, however it is generally old, sick or inexperienced hunters that will take humans.

Why people your hunting white tigers?

i think its because they could be hungy or they all just sick in in the head and they just kill them for fun and somtimes they leave the tiger or tigers there.

How do tigers protect themselves from other animals hunting them?

They kill them. Most animals know to stay clear of tigers unless they are sick, desperate, or believe that they are more powerful. Survival of the fittest.

What do Tigers in India eat?

Tigers in India eats mostly other animals, because it is a carnivore. But if it is sick or injured, the tiger will eat carrion, meaning the rotting carcass of another animal that was already killed or died. A tigers main food is deer.

What special health problems do white Siberian tigers have?

They get sick really easily and sometimes they are not able to defend themselves because of a zookeepers inbreeding.

What theatens a tiger's survival?

Humans are killing tigers so there might not be any tigers left only if humans wont kill them and give them love and care. If you see a sick tiger around immediatly bring it to a vet or Wildlife Refuge and they will take care of it :)

Why should Siberian tigers species be saved?

Because they are the top predator in their environment, and all other animals are affected by predator numbers, as by culling the old or sick the herds stay healthy.