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Too many apples can cause diarrhea in horses. Yes. Too much fiber causes diarrhea, and it can last quite a while. I don't think it is the Fibre. Hay has much more fibre than an apple. It is probably the higher sugar content.

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9y ago

Too many apples could cause diarrhea in toddlers. You would have to eat a lot of apples to cause the diarrhea.

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yes this can give horses diarrhea.

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Q: Can to many apples give horses diarrhea?
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Can too many apples cause diarrhea in horses?

Most horses can eat a lot of apples and will not overeat at one feeding. A known case of a horse getting sick from overeating apples is not known. Minor, but it should be "too" many.

Can a horse eat too many apples?

Some horses with certain medical conditions cannot tolerate apples at all. Others enjoy them daily. Below are some things to consider when thinking about feeding apples to horses:Apples can give them a bad tummy ache and flatulence (gas). This is called Colic and is often fatal. 1 - 2 apples per day is usually okay. Too much of anything is good for nothing.If horses eat too many apples they can get diarrhea, which to some extent they can die, so just watch how many you feed them, 1 - 2 apples per day is plenty.If too many apples are eaten the horse may founder and has the possibility of dying in a severe case. If this happens call your vet immediately.The acid can also do damage to their teeth

Can too many apples cause diarrhoea for horses?

Yes too many apples cause diarheaa for horses. They cannot digest the apples correctly and it shoots straight through them.

Does to many apples cause diarrhoea in horses?

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Can green apples make horses sick?

Many green apples are bad for horses because they have alot of acid and are gassy, which could make them sick. Apples could also cause colic. Preferably, give your horse snacks like carrots and hay or if you are going to feed them apples, opt for Red Declicious.

What are the best treats to give horses?

Apples, pears, bananas, carrots, watermelon, pitted dates, and most all other fruits. Hay cubes, oats, bran (etc), and alfafa cubes (made for horses). Sugar(s) and Molasses are favorites of the horses themselves, but give these to them in MODERATION. They can do a number on their teeth and should be fed lightly!

How many crab apples can horses eat?

I have heard that it is dangerous for horses to eat crab apples because they are poisonous to them. This is the same as acorns which can kill them if they eat too many because they can not digest them.

How many apples and per day for a freisan horse?

I don't give my horse apples much but, I do when he does something good like he lets me groom him without a fuss and was did good when being ridden. So basically I only give my horse apples as a "good boy treat", I do the same with carrots. But some people give their horses apples twice a day. 2 apples in the morning and 2 in the evening. Hope my answer helped you.

Can horses have an allergic reaction to apples?

Would you believe one per day will keep the horse doctor away? -but seriously- I don't have a horse but through the years ALL the horses I've given an apple to seemed to enjoy them enormously. I wouldn't give a horse A LOT of apples all at once, though.

Can eating too many apples be bad for you?

No, if you are worried about calories, they are just natural, they are easier to burn then calories that you find in other things like candy One more thing to note is that if you ate too many apples in one sitting you might get sick, but apples are healthy, so eating a reasonable amount should be good for you.

Can eating too many cherries give you bloody diarrhea?

Eating too many cherries can certainly give you diarrhea, but I have never heard of it giving you bloody diarrhea.... The red tint to it could make it look bloody if it did not digest well enough.

Do apples cause horse colic?

No apples cant replace horses hay. Apples should be given as a treat. They dont have enough nutrients in them. Hay is pretty much special kinds of dried grasses(alfalfa, timothy, etc.) and is required if you want a healthy horse. Do some research on the internet to find out where you can get hay, and how much to feed your horse every day.